A smorgasbord of legislative initiatives on the Roundhouse Monday Menu.

Patient Safety at NM Hospitals, Autism Coverage Regardless of Age, Cannabis Revenue & Freedom Act, Public Private Partnerships, Lobbyist Reporting, Industrial Hemp and more on the Roundhouse Monday Menu.

A smorgasbord of legislative initiatives should provide for lively conversation and debate before various House and Senate Committees on Monday, February 27, 2017. 

Some key items affecting workers and their families include the Patient Safe Staffing Act (HB 288) filed by half of the Trujillo House Caucus, Christine and Linda, both Democrats and strong supporters of issues important to working families. The bill would require that hospitals create staffing committees made of nurses who provide direct care to patients which in turn would determine staffing levels instead of managers who are not necessarily involved in direct care of patients.

Click on the following titles to get a look at the legislative page for each of these bills which in turn will provide a link to the actual bill language as well as fiscal impact and similar reports:

Patient Safety at NM Hospitals, HB 288

House Labor and Economic Development Committee –  1:30 PM  –  Room 315 

Autism Spectrum Coverage Regardless of Age,  HB 403

House Health and Human Services Committee – 8:30 A.M. – Room 315 

Cannabis Revenue & Freedom Act, HB 89

House Business and Industries Committee – 1:30 p.m.  –  Room 317 

Public Private Partnerships,

House Labor and Economic Development Committee –  1:30 PM  –  Room 315 

Lobbyist Reporting,  SB 393 

Senate Rules Committee – 8:30 A.M.  –  Room 321

Industrial Hemp,  HB 144

Senate Judiciary Committee – 2:30 PM or 1/2 hour after floor session  –  Room 321 

Also, click here for House and here for Senate committee schedules for the next few days.

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