About The Candle

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” – John Adams

State and local governance is not getting the coverage in the news as much as it used to. 

The Candle will try and address the need for getting more in-depth news reported on – one state and one town at a time.

Write to us with your thoughts and story ideas – and scoops are always welcome. (See contact information below.) 

We have some incredible sources, which we protect solidly, and we are encouraged by how many others are coming forward with information.

Thank you for your interest. 

Write to us at:


If you have a lead or wish to share information but not have your identity publicly disclosed, please send an email to the above address and DO NOT reveal your story. Just write something like “I have a story or information I think you could report on.”

And we will then contact you via another independent and very private email address.

You can also reach us at (505) 501-1570. Leave a message or text if we cannot immediately take your call. We will call back quickly.