Matters at the Roundhouse for Wednesday, March 1, 2017.

Matters at the Roundhouse for Wednesday, March 1, 2017.

A few of the so-called “Dummy Bills” are beginning to pop up before House and Senate committees. These bills are generally filed by leadership of both branches and both parties as ‘place holders’ so that if they need to introduce a bill or memorial, etc., after the filing deadline has passed, they can be used for almost any issue.

They all have the title PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH, SAFETY & WELFARE, and usually have no language on file with the bill number, until the sponsor puts it in play.

Well there are two that popped up today (with no language on record officially as of yet):

·         HB 541, from HAFC Chair Patti Lundstrom, and it is before the House Education committee this morning; and 

·         HB 512, from Speaker Brian Egolf, and it is before the House Business and Industry Committee this afternoon.

Other items of interest:

Teacher and Principal Evaluation System

Industrial Hemp Rules

Lobbyist Reporting Requirements

Proposed tax bracket changes, and more.

Here are the links to agendas/calendars:

House Committee schedules.

Senate Committee schedules.

House Floor Calendar.

Senate Floor Calendar.

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