Thursday, March 9, 2017: Roundhouse Happenings.

So here are a few items popping up in committees and some on the floor of the House and the floor of the Senate which could be debated today:

Committee Items.

The House Agriculture and Water Resources has a few matters before it dealing with water.

One of the matters, HM 97 is a memorial asking the State Engineer not to approve a major water permit for “a group of New York-based investors operating under the name Augustin Plains ranch limited liability company sought a permit from the office of the state engineer for the right to appropriate fifty-four thousand acre-feet of water per year from a deep well field of thirty-seven wells in the Plains of San Augustin near Datil, New Mexico …”

The Candle has been following this story for the past few years. Click here for a related story regarding comments made by the New Mexico Water Chief almost a year ago when he suggested the state might want to charge severance taxes for mining and water to market.

The House Local Government Committee will look at Senate Bill 119, which deals with Land Grant Approval of Comprehensive Plans. It will also take testimony on some election related bills, including one of Senator Jeff Steinborn , which would allow for voter registration up to three days before an election.

Over on the Senate side, newly elected Senator Candace Gould (R- Albuquerque), has a bill, SB 455, which (according to the fiscal impact report filed with the bill) “encourages the reporting of abuse and neglect and participation in court proceedings without fear of liability.  It also provides immunity for mandatory and voluntary reporters.  Other states have adopted similar provisions for those who report child abuse and neglect…”

Senator Gould’s bill is being heard before the Senate Public Affairs Committee this afternoon after the Senate Floor session adjourns.

On the House and Senate Floor Session Calendars.

The House has sixty matters on its Third Reading Calendar. According to the Legislative Finance Committee’s fiscal impact report (FIR) HB 201, filed by freshman Representative Daymon Ely (D- Corrales), “creates a new income tax bracket for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2018. The existing rates and brackets remain the same, but new upper rates are added…” (Click here for the full FIR.)

The House could also take up a Patient Safe Staffing measure, although it is rumored that the hospital lobby is putting pressure on the House Democratic leadership to stick this consumer protection bill in the House Appropriations and Finance committee, where it would languish long enough for the session to expire before members would be put on record by a floor vote.

In the Senate has thirty-nine matters on its calendar for today, including one which would prohibit coyote killing contests in New Mexico. Senators Linda Lopez and Michael Padilla have SB 374 which calls for a Hunger-free Student’s Bill of Rights to be established (click here for FIR).

Click here for a link to the legislature’s “What’s Happening” page where you can look at committee and floor session agendas and get meeting times and room locations for the hearings.

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