UNMH’s Becker gets $67,000 Six-month Bonus, as COVID-19 Quarantined Employees Get Reduced Pay Checks.

On March 27th UNM Chancellor Paul Roth, MD, wrote UNM Hospital CEO Kate Becker to inform her that she would receive another six-month incentive pay of $67,447.90.

This is the third such bonus Becker has received in her less than two-year tenure at UNM Hospital (the previous two being approximately $65,000 each).

Becker receives a base salary of $632,000/year and is also provided tens of thousands of dollars in retirement contributions by UNMH as well as being eligible for the percentage pay increase received by other employees.

Days after receiving her bonus, Becker held a hospital town meeting of sorts answering various questions about COVID-19 matters at UNMH.

She quickly dispensed with questions about how employees quarantined and possibly contracting the coronavirus would need to use their sick and annual leave and accept worker’s compensation (at a rate of 2/3 their regular pay).

She also had her Human Resources director explain that UNMH doesn’t do ‘hazard pay’ for front-line COVID-19 care providers.

Becker will likely receive another similar ‘incentive’ bonus near the end of the summer.

Here is a copy of the Roth letter to Becker:

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