Former Democratic House Leader Rick Miera running for Lt. Governor?


Hundreds of motorcyclists and bicyclists turn out calling for increased safety measures, as they remember victims of accidents cause by distracted motorists.

Former Democratic House Majority Leader Rick Miera, a lifelong friend of progressive causes and individual rights, was seen at the Roundhouse on Saturday speaking to hundreds of friends and compatriots of the motorcycle community in New Mexico.

After Miera spoke to hundreds of bikers in the Rotunda of the state capitol he was asked for a comment on rumors the former legislator may enter the race for Lt. Governor in 2018. 

“I miss serving the public in elective office, but have not made any decisions one way or the other yet,” Miera said, adding words to a really big smile.

Besides the work he has done for years as a legislative leader for better educational opportunities and improved care for the mentally ill, Miera has been a champion of the motorcyclist community, himself an avid rider since he was thirteen.

Miera and other speakers announced that bikers of the motorcycle the pedaling posse’s have joined forces for safer roads and to demand motorist pay attention to driving and not their texting.

Over the next year the two cyclist genres will ask groups like AARP, which represent a lot of older pedestrians, to join them in a broad coalition for a safer mobility environment in New Mexico. “Too many bikers and pedestrians are the victims of auto and truck drivers who are distracted with their messaging,” one of the riders noted at Saturday’s gathering.

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