New Mexico – Some good FRAC-ing news: More Kids getting fed school breakfasts.
(The Candle editor was notified by an email from The Pew Charitable Trusts of the following ‘good news’ and promising ranking for New Mexico relating to school breakfast programs.)
The Food Research and Action Center (FRAC – that’s good frac-ing folks), released its Annual Scorecard ranking states on School Breakfast Participation.
New Mexico did good by its kids according to this report.
“WASHINGTON, February 14, 2017 — School breakfast participation rates continue to rise across the country, according to the annual School Breakfast Scorecard (pdf), released today by the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC). The Scorecard ranks states on the basis of participation of low-income children in the national School Breakfast Program. West Virginia tops the list, with New Mexico and the District of Columbia coming in second and third, respectively.” – Emphasis added.
While The Candle has reported extensively on the poor ranking New Mexico receives on so many socioeconomic listings, it is encouraging to be able to point to successful efforts to get kids a good breakfast as they start their school day.
The FRAC press release announcing the rankings stated:
“School breakfast is crucial for children’s learning as well as their health,” said Jim Weill, president, Food Research & Action Center. “While we are certainly happy progress is being made, there is still much room for improvement. Federal and state agencies, school districts, and education stakeholders must continue their efforts to increase participation in the School Breakfast Program.”

As New Mexico develops a state budget for fiscal year 2018, it is important for legislators to double their efforts in giving kids a chance, at every level.
Even though this is a federally funded program it demonstrates that the efforts of children advocates to give kids in New Mexico a brighter future, produces good results.
Congratulations to school districts and the New Mexico Public Education Department.
This news should also inform lawmakers of the need to expand other efforts for the state’s children, and dispense with the cut, cut, cut mentality that has driven the budget debate for too long.
It’s worth repeating:
“The top two performers in the Scorecard — West Virginia and New Mexico — exceeded FRAC’s goal of reaching 70 low-income children with school breakfast for every 100 who ate school lunch.”
And congratulations to FRAC’s New Mexico State Partners for their dedication to kids (click on their names to link to their websites):
New Mexico Voices for Children
New Mexico Association of Food Banks
The New Mexico Center on Law & Poverty