Is it too late to bring Lucky out of retirement?

Maybe the House Democrats just need a strong pep talk …

Joe Monahan wrote this morning of the change in leadership in the New Mexico legislature.  He had a keen observation, and one that should resonate with folks concerned about how strong the new Democratic leadership will be in advancing an agenda that helps the state’s poorest residents, as well as state employees who are getting worn out by a lack of a sufficient workforce.

Monahan writes:

“… The R’s lost control of the House and let go of two seats in the Senate. And they are led by a lame duck governor sporting a 36 percent approval rating. Maybe new Senate Majority Leader Wirth and Speaker Egolf need to be a bit more forceful and remind them of that? Ya think? . . .”  (Click here for link to Joe’s website.)

Two years ago the Republicans were not in the least shy about ramming their anti-union and anti-worker agenda down the throats of House Democrats.

Then, to really demonstrate they were in charge, Republican leaders flipped the bird to the public and good government folks by deciding to make last autumn’s special session to fix the budget all about their politically charged crime package – even to the point of starting debate on one of the most controversial items after most of New Mexico was in bed.

So, have you noticed the same state budget the Governor claimed was fixed, is back in the shop for another overhaul?

And did the Democrats offer anything new to fix the FY 2017 budget?

Not really … more sweeps, more cuts, and, oh yes, some promises about, well maybe, oh if we can reach consensus with the Governor (lame duck) and Republicans (in the clear minority), and they give the Democrats permission, maybe then they can bring a significant revenue package to the floor.

But they are not talking too loud, or reaching out to gather the troops to back them up.

The most they are talking about presenting will be a jobs package.

Well that’s a step in the right direction, but what about the imminent future of New Mexicans in need?

It is going to take a little time to get an economy moving again … And there are a lot of New Mexicans who can’t afford to wait for the end of the Martinez administration.

All this hesitancy by the Democrats in New Mexico, while the Republicans in Washington are devising a Scrooge-like Christmas for July.  

For a party that just spent millions of working peoples’ contributions and countless hours of volunteers’ time to win back the House and strengthen their hand in the Senate, they sure could take a few lessons from Nate Gentry and maybe Jay McCleskey in how fight for what they believe in.

They don’t even have to be snitty, snarky or mean about it … the Democrats should simply put what THEY believe is important to do up for a vote, and send it along to the Governor.

If she pulls out her veto threat, then that is when you start to negotiate … not telegraph fear by never advancing what you know needs to be done.

Take a vote … or as the ole carpenter says: “do your effing job, Democrats.”

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